Thursday, June 24, 2010

Things Are Heatin' Up!

Literally! Just coming off nearly a week w/o air conditioning @ the rental here in CLT. The $200 fix was cheaper than what we paid for two nights in a hotel (we wussed out, but 90 degrees in the house is not good for any of us, dogs included).

We've been spending nearly every weekend occupied in some way. I must admit, one weekend home in the last six weeks has been killing me (not to mention the house is a minor shithole right now): Disney, Disney, CHS, home, CHS, no AC and went out all weekend and then to hotel. I want to relax and sit down and watch TV in a clean can dream. On the other hand, keeping busy and traveling to see family and taking weekends to really DO things with Harrison has been wonderful. It keeps us moving and active and sets a better example for him. This weekend, a train the musuem since it's member's day only for the aquarium reveal. Next weekend, 4th of July...hoping we'll do something BBQ-like with someone. Weekend after that, Grandmaster's workshop (I need to sign up for that!) and Buble concert.

Jobs = awesomeness right now. Jon is doing so well @ Westinghouse. He's been promoted to principal engineer & will now not just be functional lead but lead over two projects. He's looking forward to his Japan trip next month, too. All around, not being a submariner anymore has been a good thing for him and us. And, I got myself the raise I deserved. After much thought and work, I proved I deserved a drastic pay increase - and, it worked. So, finally being paid for the work I do, I'm just going to continue on my path and hope there'll eventually be some (off-cycle) promotion to Senior Analyst. With such a small team, I'll settle for being one of the best Analysts for now.

Thinking about our options to move right now. Our lease is up at the end of August, but we're trying to extend. With owners who are in the middle of a not-so-nice divorce, we're not sure what's going to happen. We'd like to extend 6 mos - 1 yr so we can put our Wilmington house back on the market (and kick our renters out). We just want to sell that sucker (for a loss, I'm well aware), so we can move on and really settle into CLT. Stress around this is immense, but we're just going to take things as they come.

With the above situation, it's gotten me down about the Mastery/Disciple program option @ TPD. I've had a running email with Sifu about the situation and the support I feel I need @ home to make the most of this journey. Basically, I still have some thought and meditation to put into this. While it's hard to leave my buddies still in class @ 7:45 and while I know I belong there, there's no question, some more stars do need to align for me to make the most of the program. With my lack of confidence in really losing this weight (since it's never happened), I know I need to sit down and map out how to progress in the boot camp altogether and then visualize. When I'm ready, I will take the step into the program(s). Until then, I'll keep working on my form and learning new things and practicing the old ones. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Home Sweet Home

OMG, vacationing in Disney World was AWESOME! At times, Harrison was as cranky and crabby as any 3 1/2-yr-old would be standing in long lines in the heat for a ride that lasts 2 minutes. But, for the most part, he was enjoyable and loved the rides and food and pool at the resort. We had a blast; hands down, best vacation any of us have ever been on. Rides, fireworks, late nights with popsicles...he was in heaven!

Cannot believe how rested I feel even though the heat and long days were pretty exhausting. I'm actually ready to take on some work this week, but this may be because we're planning a weekend in CHS. The dude and I will drive down Friday afternoon while the hubby goes deep sea fishing. Then, back down to CHS in a few weeks for the annual review and company black tie celebration. Then some quality niece time in July while the twin and bro-in-law go out of town. And, new niece in August. And, hopefully, trip to DC Labor Day Weekend. Lots going on this summer.

I can't lie, I didn't think too much of my ZSBC. I missed the classes and seeing my buddies, but I was having too much fun with the family to regret missing my classes. I'm hoping with our good shopping trip to the Teeter today, I'll be on board this week filling up on good foods and getting in some tai chi (instead of just walking 17000 steps a day). I am also hoping to add in some other kind of exercise during June. I'd like to get a couple mornings of walks/jogs in to really start pushing myself. I feel like I'm the only boot camper not seeing results; I don't want to fail at "this" again. Need to get pumped up and not let the whole "not a black shirt" thing keep eating at me.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

M-I-C, see you real soon...

...this has been the message on my gTalk for quite some time. CANNOT WAIT FOR FIRST REAL VACATION IN FOUR YEARS!

In other news, good Mother's Day. Nothing spectacular; getting Jon to help clean the house for our house/dog sitter was gift enough! But, homemade split pea soup dinner was nice. And, other than yelling at Harrison most of the weekend b/c he's going thru a phase, not altogether a bad couple of days.

Learning more and more of the solo form. This excites me as I thought maybe us B Blockers who hadn't moved up would be forgotten and perfecting our Push the Mountain for months to come. Last night in class, we practiced a new chi kung form, Lean Forward and Look for the Sea (yes?). Due to the fact I consistently pull only one of my butt cheeks (seriously, does this happen to anyone else?), I could only lean forward well on one leg. And, now, both butt cheeks hurt. Ah well, the price to pay for learning and practicing something new. Maybe that's not a form to try in line at Disney World...

Work is the same. Really keeping fingers crossed my two projects slow way down by the end of the week. Not looking likely, but dang it, I'm not bringing my laptop on vacation! Speaking of which, I was told I'm now in the first wave of the company Mac roll out to engineering. Can I just say: I'm SKERRED to death?! I have never used a Mac. I know nothing about Macs and the diffs from PCs. (Adam, I may need some tutorials!!!). But, a laptop that shuts off when it feels like it and does not latch and and has a sticky standby button and has several missing lines on the screen is one that needs recycling.

Oh, yes, thinking about starting a poetry blog. Just to have all my stuff somewhere other than paper. Not really for any other reason, I suppose. I don't actually know anyone who'd care to read it, but just a thought I have from time to time...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Out with the old... with the new - > car registration, teeth cleanings, etc.

Tis the season for spring cleaning. Not inside the house, of course. All around. Been re-registering cars and getting duplicate licences (FYI, moving is a pain in the ass, especially when you wait 6+ months to do all the stuff you should have done 6+ months ago) after getting the safety/emissions tests done yesterday. All 3 of us have been to the dentist this month (2 of us more than once - FYI, gingivitis therapy hurts like a bitch). I am no longer a dermatologist-visiting virgin. I still have a pile of things to go thru on the desk, but this is a great start to spring! Next up, actually attacking the house (not terribly dirty) and the storage unit to clean out and clean up. I heart de-cluttering.

Obviously, I have moved out of my funk a little. Last week in boot camp, I learn the 3-month mark is where the newness of your "new thing" starts to wear off. So, I promptly signed up for team competitions @ The Peaceful Dragon last Saturday so I wouldn't keep coming to class all "blah". It kind of worked. It was sort of rejuvenating to compete, see some friends I've made, and talk to new folks. And, I actually WON 1st place in tai chi, chi kung form "Push the Mountain...". It was pretty sweet. And, last night, Natalia got us B blockers started on some "push the hands" movements. I admit, having seen this a lot during team competition, it made it easier to begin practice. But, lovely breeze and workout outside. And, the knees actually feel better today after 45 minutes of forward bow to back stance - must have worked out some of the soreness.

Now if only I can get my head wrapped around work. I'm feeling like I'm Phil Connors in Groundhog Day. Same old, same old; day in and day out. Same defects, different carrier. Same code, different tests. Must. Get. To. It.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm Going to Disney World!

Yep, that's right, first family vacation (just the 3 of us) EVER! Unless of course you count embryos as lives, then we did go on a cruise 4 years ago, but I'm not sparking that debate. I don't count the cruise because I was pregnant, could not drink and craved only anything with marinara sauce. :)

So, Disney, next month! Our work schedules kind of aligned where neither of us would be traveling and nothing huge was keeping us tied to a desk. So, Monday night, we booked a full week at the Caribbean Beach Resort w/ park hopper tickets and a meal deal. We keep telling Harrison we'll take an airplane (his first ride!) to "Mickey's Castle". He's working out the idea the planes actually come down from the sky to pick you up and is telling us he prefers to drive the truck, but I think he's excited. Someone told me today "You know, he might actually implode"...I hope this trip knocks his socks off!

That's about all I'm getting excited about at the moment. Too many other thoughts racing around. I know that's normal, and if I just down and do my visualization and attempt some meditation, I'll feel loads better (and maybe some better sleep). But, for right now, the pity party continues but seems to be ending. After boot camp last night, which felt a little more support groupy than I normally like (but, I needed it!), I came home, showered, and did my visualization on the shower floor. It was the pick-me-up I needed after feeling sorry for myself for NO DAMN REASON! I treated myself with a little Harry Potter reading and woke up this morning feeling a little more refreshed. I climbed on the scale to find a pound missing where I'd gained a couple over the last weeks for all the work stress. So, I am treating myself to a smoothie breakfast and plans for a healthy lunch. I just need to get back on the dang horse and keep going.

In other news, Jon had his review. He's of course kicking ass as functional lead on his team and is ranked HIGH on the list. We're both hoping for a promotion and raise for him come June. I'm always proud he excels and has adjusted so well after coming out of Navy life. Next year is when he'll kind of have to choose which fork in the road to take: continue as an engineer or go the PM route. I'll be happy as long as he's happy with what he's doing.

Now, I'm starting to work on a case study I'm tentatively calling "Why Lise Needs a Raise, so Gimme a Big One, OK?". No, really, I'm putting together some research, my own ideas of how I go above and beyond the call of JCT, how I promote the company, etc. So, come June, hopefully I'll have some of my own good news as far as my own job (yeah, it's not a career).

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Oh me, oh my, I need to shake out of this funk. I know it's all work-related...too many projects...too many defects...too many carriers to please. It's shaking my chi all out of whack.

I successfully tested from Block A to B in tai chi chuan. It was kind of an honor to test and receive a certificate and get the patches sewn onto the old sash. I still have such a long way to go, but I'm ever-enjoying the path I've chosen for shaping up mind, body and spirit.

Older sis now in FL. I kind of forget I'm getting niece #3 in August. But, I'm happy she's finally starting a life for herself.

Went to dermatologist for first time ever. Got some stuff frozen off. "What are we gonna do about this acne?" he says. SCREW OFF! Yes, I don't wear makeup ever b/c I don't have to impress anyone, let alone a dermatologist. And, yes, the skin looks a little worse now b/c I'm sweating my ass/face off 3 days a week exercising! Oh, yeah, "I'd like to see you lose the weight." Really, jackass? Me, too! He was brutally honest, and I appreciate that. But, I left that day feeling like the ugliest fat girl in all of North America. I proceeded to spend lots of money at Target as my therapy.

Had a date night for first time in MONTHS. It sounds like I'm bragging, I know. I normally only get a babysitter to go to tai chi if Jon's out of town! But, it was nice. We went to dinner in a restaurant w/o a kid's menu, I had a glass of wine, we talked about normal couple stuff (not just work and the dude), we saw a movie...not ironically, Date Night. We still made it home before 10 and watched Iron Chef to end the evening, but that's OK. It's who we are!

Other sister is the awesomeness. She whipped out a "That's why God gave us a twin" today. I <3 being a twin.

Hoping to put Harrison in soccer for 6 weeks thru daycare program. I want to see what he might gravitate toward next - hoping he'll be one of those participators in things. I never got to do much as a kid, so I want to provide what I can for him in choices of extracurricular activities.

Must buy more chocolate.

The end.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March Madness

It's been a crazy month.

Just got back into town from 5 days in Indiana. Grandpa Turner passed away early Tuesday morning (3/23), and off we drove. This was an especially difficult time knowing neither Jon nor I have grandfathers any longer. But, Grandpa was so loved and beloved as evidenced by the hundreds of folks at his wake and funeral.

Harrison was our comic relief and rock during our visit. He could keep a smile on anyone's face. We were both so grateful to have him by our sides.

Turning over 3 projects in order to visit was the hard part. I did it in less than 2 hours and called in and kept up with email as best I could. So, I still pulled a 46-hour "work week" with 24 hours of bereavement leave. Now, if only I can figure out the best way to get a raise...

And, tai chi testing Wednesday night. Gotta practice these stances!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Overwhelmed with work right now. Maybe I shouldn't be posting on my blog while waiting for a con call to begin, but it's a break! Engineering Summit tomorrow...5 hours of fun-filled engineering stuff I don't understand. I think I'd rather be testing (if not for the free goods and food). After the meeting, we're throwing my boss a mini baby shower w/ cupcakes and tons of baby stuff. I know he'd have preferred a few beers, but his wife will appreciate our hard work (the diaper cake alone took me hours to make!).

Birthday was good. Got a flower cake from my sister. Went to boot camp and pushed it hard! One of the older women on my "team" as we went thru stations/circuits said "Wow, you're sweaty". It took a lot for me to hold my tongue and not say "Well, lady, this is boot camp, not a friggin' Sunday stroll!" Sweat = 4 lbs down from the other week (when I got discouraged that I had gained the one pound I lost and wanted to divorce my scale). So, good times and happy thoughts!

I'll miss tai chi tonight. I'll actually miss it. I'm going to attempt to test out of Block A to Block B in a couple weeks. So, tonight, I'll just have to practice with my sister!

Other than that, got the hair colored, the nails painted, etc for a whole day or two in Chucktown. I figure, most days, I don't have to wear makeup or look good for anyone, so it's nice to pretty myself up!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Gettin' Down with My Plaid Self

The title is really irrelevant. Well, maybe not. So, last year I learn all about our engineering department and the reference to Space Balls' "They've gone plaid!". And, it's often used as my avatar on gTalk as work tends to drive me too crazy, too fast. I love the fact the Danish flag is just a piece of plaid...I get to incorporate a little me with a little work and get a giggle. But, my message was "getting down with my plaid self in tai chi tonight!" And, that I did.

Class was great tonight. I felt like I really got to try everything and perfect things a little more and practice each thing for testing in a couple weeks. I sweat a little more tonight than has been the case the last couple weeks; nice to push myself.

And, as I sit here and eat my "vegetarian" ravioli dish (I don't think you can call a dish vegetarian just b/c it has no meat, it should have actual veggies) and make my normal rounds in Twitter & FB, I can't help but start to feel saddened that I'll be celebrating my birthday alone this year. I'm all about a birthday and presents and cake and indulging. And, I'm sad hubby is traveling this week & won't see the twin sis until Thursday when I'm in CHS for work. But, I'm not sad about no cake. I'm not sad about the new running shoes I gifted myself this weekend. I'm not sad I'm choosing to indulge on my birthday in a babysitter, so I can make it to boot camp. Just sad it'll be just Harrison who gives me my only birthday hug. On second thought, what more could a mommy ask for anyway?! Just gotta keep my head up about the new and improved Lise I'm becoming for 30 next year! Watch out 30, I'm gonna kick your ass (right after 29)!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It should not snow in March

OK, Charlotte, give me a friggin' break already! Snow in MARCH???

Aside from abnormal winter goings on, things are good. Boot camp and tai chi are rockin'. I need to really start practicing at home. There are March tests to move up from Block A to Block B training in tai chi, but I know I'm not ready.

Got my fitness vision board up. Got my mission statement in plain view. Got my menu I try to stick to (with the occasional box of Little Debbie cosmic brownies). Life is on track.

So, it begs the question, what's next?

I'm thinking of beginning a walk/mini-jog routine during at least 2 lunches a week and once on the weekends. I need to add in some cardio to keep seeing results. And, if things start to go well, I'd like to attempt a 5K in the latter part of the year. Wow, next year, my 30-year-old self will look back at my almost 29-year-old self and say "Good lord, you actually got your ass in gear. WOOOOOOO!"

Now, thinking about picking up that guitar. I think I'll need lessons to get good at any good pace. We'll see. I'm terrified to touch it b/c I feel like I'll suck. But, can't suck at something I don't even attempt. :)

Moving along, work is good. Same old same old. Except, the last girl on my team just quit. So, more work for me! Hoping this year yields many prosperous outcomes at work!